If you’ve been struggling with your sleep, which in the current summer heat is quite understandable, you may have tried cutting back on caffeine, or decreasing your screen time before bedtime, and other methods to help improve your sleep, but you might still be having restless nights.
Insomnia is frustrating, and it can have detrimental side effects on your mental health too. Tiredness can cause increased stress, difficulty concentrating, and can even disrupt your immune system, meaning you’ll be prone to catch colds and other viruses.
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is commonly used to help treat mental health issues like anxiety and depression, but it can also be used to help you sleep.
CBT for insomnia worse best when it is tailored for a specific person, but there are CBT tools that you can try out for yourself to figure out which might work best for you. We have a look at three CBT methods that could be useful for anyone struggling with their sleep.
Stimulus control
If you wake up in the middle of the night, and can’t drop off again, then get up, go get a glass of water, try meditating, or walk around your home - although try not to disturb anyone else in the household, and keep lights dim to avoid being further disrupted by light exposure.
Stimulus control trains your mind and body to learn that going to bed means sleep, so getting out of bed when you can’t sleep is a good way to practice this.
Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR)
Progressive relaxation involves contracting and relaxing different muscle groups one by one, usually accompanied by a guided meditation. It is a technique that will help you feel more physically and mentally relaxed, as it sends signals for the body to relax, and keeps your mind occupied.
Thought records
During the day, write down any negative thoughts and worries, and think about how to tackle them and find solutions, instead of being awake in the middle of the night with such things on your mind. You can rest knowing that you have addressed them.
If you’re looking for cognitive behavioural therapy in London, get in touch today.